10 reasons you should always drink water


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10 reasons you should always drink water​

We all know that drinking enough water every day is very important. Our body consists of 70% water and our brain even 90%. But what are the benefits of drinking enough water and how do you make sure you drink enough water every day? You can read more about this in this article!

Weight loss​

If you want to lose weight, it is important that you eat healthy and exercise enough. But drinking water also plays an important role in losing weight! Many of us regularly drink a glass of soda, lemonade or fruit juice (with processed sugars). If we replace these drinks with a glass of water, we get much less sugars and calories. In addition, water also ensures that the feeling of hunger is suppressed. Furthermore, it often happens that we are thirsty, but that we interpret this as hunger. Then we will eat a meal or snack, while our body actually only needs water. By drinking enough water in a day you can therefore stimulate weight loss!

More energy​

Many people do not know that drinking enough water also provides more energy. The energy from our body flows away when we are dehydrated. By this we don't mean that your body has to be completely dehydrated; this happens even if you are only slightly dehydrated and have 'normal' thirst. Dehydration of our body can make us feel tired, but it can also cause dizziness and muscle weakness.

Healthy skin​

Drinking enough water also ensures that our skin looks healthier. The water we ingest cleanses the skin, removing all waste products. Irregularities on our skin can then disappear and the skin looks shinier. You will not have a healthier looking skin after drinking enough water for one day, but after a week of drinking enough water daily you will often see some results!

Good digestion​

Our body needs a lot of water to properly digest our body. Drinking enough water every day ensures that our digestion works better. It can therefore also help with digestive problems, such as heartburn problems. In combination with more fiber-rich food, it can also help with constipation problems.

Cleaning the body​

We already mentioned above that water helps to cleanse our skin, but that is not the only thing. Drinking enough water ensures that our entire body is cleansed. The water is used by our body to remove waste and toxins from the body. This ensures that our body becomes healthier and by removing stored waste we can also lose weight.

Less headache​

If we suffer from a headache, we are all too happy to grab a paracetamol these days. However, this only reduces the symptoms and does not solve anything. What many of us don't know is that headaches are often caused by dehydration. We drink too little water and that makes us suffer from this. The next time you suffer from a headache, it is best to drink two glasses of water instead of taking a paracetamol!

Less muscle pain and joint pain​

Dehydration can result in muscle pain or joint pain. This is because water plays an important role in contracting and stretching the muscles. It is important that this process goes well, otherwise you will suffer from muscle pain and cramps. The joints in our body move better through water and drinking enough water can therefore also ensure that you suffer less from pain in the joints.

More exercise​

Since drinking too little water can cause fatigue and muscle weakness, you are likely to exercise less if your body is dehydrated. If you do exercise, you notice that you are slower and that your sports performance is less. Drinking enough water in a day can therefore provide more exercise and improve your sports performance. Always make sure that you drink extra water during and after exercise, because your body desperately needs it.

Healthy heart​

Drinking water is also very good for the heart! Research has shown that drinking enough water can lower the risk of a heart attack. Drink at least five glasses of water a day every day and the risk of a heart attack becomes a lot lower than those who drink less than two glasses of water a day.

Decreased risk of cancer​

Water cleanses the body and it is also good for digestion. Those two benefits ensure that the risk of cancer is reduced if you drink enough water. For example, the risk of bladder cancer can be reduced by 50% and the risk of colon cancer by 45% if you consume enough water every day. In addition, the risk of other forms of cancer is also lower, such as breast cancer.

2 liters of fluid or 2 liters of water?​

We often know that we should drink 2 liters a day, but not everyone knows that it is really about water. Soft drinks, coffee, tea and other drinks cannot be included in this. In fact, these drinks actually only further dehydrate our body. That is why it is important that you do not pay attention to the amount of fluid you consume in a day, but that you only include the glasses of water!

How do you make sure you drink enough water every day?​

We often find it difficult to drink enough water on a daily basis. We like to drink coffee, soft drinks or juices, but we don't like water very much. It is therefore difficult to suddenly replace all the drinks we drink with a glass of water. You can also start doing it alternately. Once you've had a cup of coffee or a glass of soda, drink another glass of water first. You can also, for example, drink a glass of water with every major meal. Once this is in your system, you can also drink a glass of water with every snack. That way you quickly reach five to six glasses a day and you can supplement this with one or two glasses of water between meals!

Did you know that it is also important to drink water after a night's sleep? You have slept eight hours and it is logical that your body is dehydrated. In the morning we unfortunately often forget to drink water and at breakfast we usually drink a cup of coffee or tea. You are probably not really thirsty in the morning either, because it is common for the body to register this feeling of thirst as a feeling of hunger. However, it is especially important to drink water in the morning, so drink a glass as soon as you get out of bed. You will also notice that your body immediately gets more energy.